【同义词辨析】 2019-03-26 挥霍spendthrift-wastrel

spendthrift: stresses lack of prudence in spending and usually implies imbalance between income and outgo: known in college as a real ~.

prodigal: suggests such lavish expenditure as can deplete the most abundant resources: a ~ who squandered his parents' hard-earned money.  squander和本词一样表示开销阔绰耗尽资源implies reckless and lavish expenditure and exhaustion of resources,如squandered all their time and energy playing tennis把所有时间精力花费在网球上。)如  (lavish豪华、阔绰: sumptuously rich, excessively generous, 如he gave lavish praise for Einstein大力赞扬爱因斯坦,they lived a very lavish lifestyle他们生活豪华阔绰)

profligate: may imply the habits of a spendthrift but stresses dissipation of resources and powers and suggests debauchery and dissoluteness more than waste: a aging rock star forced to abandon his life as a ~.        debauchery道德败坏**沉湎酒色或毒品immoral behavior involving sex, alcohol or drugs, 如scenes of drunkenness and debauchery一幕幕滥情纵欲,沉溺酒精场面)         dissolute和debauchery几乎完全同义,但强调不在乎,即放荡不羁,如after the disaster, he lost all love and lived a dissolute life经历了那场灾难后,他失去了所爱,开始了放荡不羁的生活)

waster: may come close to spendthrift but carries a stronger implication of worthlessness and often suggests an idle ne'er-do-well: scorned by all as an idle ~.    ne'er-do-well不成器,无用的懒汉

wastrel: stresses disreputable worthlessness and typically applies to one who has profligate and dissolute habits: worked hard to earn a reputation as a bounder and ~. (bounder不道德的人a dishonorable man, 如he is nothing but a fortune-seeking bounder他不过是个不讲道德的投机者)

spendthrift大手花钱: 指花钱不慎重, 常指入不敷出,prodigal大手花钱: 指花钱阔绰,乃至耗尽财富,profligate挥霍浪荡: 同样表示花销巨大,但相比于浪费更强调放荡堕落,waster浪废: 表示浪费,还表示懒散无用,wastrel废物: 除了懒散无用,还放荡堕落,语气比waster重

记忆方法: 1)首字母SPPWW想成WPSWP无品甚无品<==不该挥霍

         2)挥霍的意思是胡乱花钱的人mean a person who dissipates resources foolishly and wastefully.   dissipate耗尽消散: 强调完全耗尽或消散complete disappearance or exhaustion,如the fog was dissipated by the morning sun早上的太阳将雾气完全消散,eventually realized that they had dissipated all their resources最终意识到他们已经完全耗尽了资源)